Sullvian Fengler CPAs
Serving the Non-Profit Community in South Florida
Sullivan Fengler CPA Services
Sullivan Fengler CPAs has been committed to providing exceptional service to the nonprofit organizations for more than 30 years — this community is the cornerstone of our practice.
Our experienced team at Sullivan Fengler serves a broad section of Nonprofit Organizations to include 501(c)(3), 501(c)(4), 501(c)(5), 501(c)(6), 501(c)(7), and 501(c)(9) organizations.
We provide a full range of services to include a combination of assurance and non-assurance services:
- audits
- compilations
- reviews
- audit of federal and state awards
- condominium, homeowners and cooperative associations
- tax filing 990, 990PF, 1120H
How We Do It
Partner involvement every step of the way of your engagement, helps us provide the highest quality and most efficient services to our clients.

About Us
Sullivan Fengler is a local public accounting firm located in Fort Lauderdale Florida. We offer nonprofit organizations a full range of auditing, tax, and accounting services. Since our formation in 1986, our firm has been committed to personal service and involvement in the needs of its clients. Our client base consists of the following: audits/reviews of nonprofit organizations 85%, preparation of nonprofit income taxes 5%, accounting services 10%.
A number of important factors contribute to good productive working relationships between clients and their certified public accountants. These factors include the skills and personalities of the people assigned to an engagement, the quality of services delivered, firm experience, qualifications, and cost. We believe we have the unique qualities that distinguish our firm from other public accounting firms. We offer individualized services. We do not charge for meetings, telephone calls or e-mail questions during the year. We will keep you informed of any new accounting pronouncements that affect you. We do not charge for this service and often meet with clients during the year just to keep updated and informed. We are available to attend any board meetings that you may request at no additional cost.
Sullivan Fengler is experienced in nonprofit accounting, including audits done in accordance with Government Auditing Standards, issued by the Comptroller General of the United States; the Uniform Guidance and the Single Audit Act and the State of Florida Single Audit. We have made a solid commitment to serve the nonprofit community and keep current on all of the latest pronouncements and State and Federal requirements that may have an effect on your organization.

- Not-for Profit Section member, American Institute of Certified Public Accountants
- Government Quality Control Center with the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants
- Florida Institute of Certified Public Accountants
- Connecticut Society of Certified Public Accountants
- Founding Member: Women’s Society of Certified Public Accountants, Broward County
Certified Public Accountant



Get In Touch
Sullivan Fengler
Ft Lauderdale, Florida
Phone: 954.561.2826
Fax: 954 561 2881